Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Challenges of a new year 2016

Hi i'm writing again, with a new 'azam', that is to write every month.

How time flies, a lot of things happened both personal and family and work wise. On the family side its been good. We had a great family time at last year Raya away from home.
A great moment that is. Then there Hannah's masters degree graduation.

Followed by Muiz's completion of his overseas stint at UCD, Dublin. Less inspiring on Naim's side but hoped to see some recovery this year. Azad is two and become more active and talkative...Other than that, things can be better in sharing the responsibility of managing the household. Alhamdulillah on the health of  the family.

Wishing more barokah to the family as a whole, to Azhim and family, Hanis & Azar, Hanif - better opportunities, rezeki and education, Hannah - better cook, better work and learning opportunities; Muiz to start his second leg of study locally, and Naim a fresh start in better prepared for his career path. An of course on mine, study wise and personal life.

Work wise, 2015 was tough on everyone including the company as a whole, the department specifically. Some shocking twist on departure of some team members, only to be replaced with other great talents. Lots of efforts been made project wise and partner's wise.

2016 started with a learning visit to London for BETT 2106 and Education World Forum that i'm involved in and its importance to the company indirectly. London welcomed us with cold 0'C, snowing morning to start with. Its an important trip both as business entity and on personal capacity.


Regent's Park, London