Tuesday, December 15, 2015

One of the best Raya - 2015

Salam, Hi again.

Feeling sort of guilty for not writing frequent enough, as such quite a number of beautiful moments, passed without duly recorded. And Raya 2015 is one of them. It all triggered by Muiz's plan not joining us for 2015 Raya at our last in 2014.

Muiz planned to stay back in Dublin and celebrate it there and also to savor his time in Dublin before coming back to PMC Penang to continue his study.

So instead, we brought Raya to Dublin. Yes, the whole family. Hanis and Muiz doing the planning and other the savings. What a great decision it was. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

We took off on 4th of Raya, transit in Istanbul for a short City Tour, using Azad as the reason to sort of break the long flight to Dublin. Turkey Air was surprisingly pleasant. So we had the joy of enjoying the countries en route Dublin.

The Raya celebration which also coincide with the University term break gives us the much-needed space in Muiz apartment for cozy accommodations while in Ireland.

Hannah by default became the family chef to fork out Raya cookings. We had a bag full of stuff and ingredients for that special Raya smell, taste, cooking. We even played the Raya songs just to make feel home-like back in KL
But at the back of everyone's mind is the round trip family tour of Ireland.

Even Muiz in his varsity days at UCD has not covered as much. We had a good tour and escorted vacation around Ireland. Everyone knows we had had an amazing time and first-hand experience in Ireland.

Beautiful countryside, cottages, castles,  parks, cliffs, and landscapes. Not to mentions thousands of great photos.

At the end of it all, it brings us ever closer as a family, though I can't help feeling how I wished Norli was around to enjoy it too.

December 15th, 2015