The enthusiasm of PD's people 'shoots out of the ceiling', and they are 'as eager as a beaver'. Everyone is excited to be on the training and do not want miss anything. We got to know someone had to miss it anyway due to work commitment...and Suhaimi 'being suhaimi' obliged to replace the classes if there are takers!
Everyone now knew where they stood, in terms of their 3 TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) bubble sizes. Most have a big Content Knowledge bubble, smaller Pedagogical bubble and tiny Technological bubble that never did intersect each other much. We kept our fingers crossed, that these bubbles of knowledge will slowly grew and merged, thus making some 'sense' to them when integrating technology into their teaching.
We are on a mission to change, get them be creative and later ready for ICMS adoption.
The Euphoria of Bubbles of knowledge in PD is just amazing!...and we trainers are bubbling on the lips just to manage this "eager adults" and we have a few more days to go.
abdul hamid
thursday 28th August 08
It's nice that your team are ever ready to teach the "eager adults".Anyway thank you ver,very much for the info you have given us.'re welcome...kjmpd's enthusiasm is contagious..