Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blended Learning - What is..

I thought i'm done tonight with an entry but alas not. I think i need to have this on my collection. Its on Blended Learning, of which is nothing new to me. Its just feel good to have it on my blog. In my line of job, i've used the concept of blended learning in my first big project back in 2003. My first million dollar project for MOE.

It was new to them, the teachers liked it, all 100K of them. I did put a lot of thoughts into it and make it a reality through the BPPT project. I realized it, internalized it and delivered the concept to teachers thirsty of knowledge in technology and its application for classroom teaching.

This video of which was non existence then brings back the good memories. I still do apply Blended Learning concept till in all of our recent and upcoming projects. From ICMS to IC CITIZEN to VEC to GREEN to HALAL to IF

Enjoy the video...Fundamentals of Blended Learning!

The Fundamentals of Blended Learning from Education Elements on Vimeo.

Animated !


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Howard Gardner on Digital Ethics

Hi, its end of the year again, this time, of 2011. I thought I owe you and myself another posting. I came across this Howard Gardner's (Professor @ Harvard Graduate School of Education) video interview on what American youth thought about being ethical.

A very insightful view of most American Youth feels about ethics, and Howard summarizes it as Ethics is a Luxury! One only need to be ethical when they already successful and rich in life. None sees any of their friends as ethical. They are afraid to be ethical! They are afraid that they will lose out if being ethical in a world of society that 'cut corners'.

Is this results of capitalism, individual rights, broken family values and faithlessness?

Enjoy the video:

Education, Social Media, and Ethics: Howard Gardner, Harvard Graduate School of Education from Education Week on Vimeo.

They sure are needed to be certified in IC CITIZEN
